The Fundraising Regulator has rejected a set of complaints that was lodged against the JNF UK with the support of 63 Jewish signatories. The complainants had argued that the JNF UK’s activities were incompatible with their...
Category - UK
The JNF is a pillar of Israeli apartheid and a militant component of the Zionist coalition hell bent on the ethnic cleansing of the entire land surface of Palestine. A key part of this project involves building forests to cover...
We reported a formal complaint by 63 Jewish people to the Fundraising Regulator some time ago: you can see the details here. We are now in possession of the decision of the regulatory body. This finds that the JNF UK has no case...
This newsletter advertises Ilan Pappe’s webinar, the last one in this series, in which we will hear about the role of the JNF in the Nakba – the first wave of the ongoing catastrophe for Palestinians in 1948. This is...
Earlier this year (2021) we reported that Israel’s Supreme Court backed down from evicting the Sumarin family and passed the decision to the representative of the state, the Attorney General. This is a move which clearly...
On Tuesday 27th April, the New York based Human Rights Watch declared that Israel’s rule over the Palestinians constitutes the crime of apartheid, a crime of the highest order. The criminality applies both at the collective...
Read the full newsletter here March 2021 (2)
Climate change and its impacts are being manipulated as yet another Israeli tool for the eviction and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. However, global environmental activists, who rightly defends indigenous...
Israel’s Supreme Court backed down from evicting the Sumarin family and passed the decision to the representative of the state, the Attorney General, in a move which clearly indicates where the responsibility lies for...
The Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) has announced that it will fund land confiscation in the West Bank, in defiance of international law. Its board of governors voted through the allocation of NIS 38 million to acquire land to...