Ethnic Cleansing Dressed as Welfare Work. November 2023
Below: The customary mix of settler and soldier united in state-sponsored banditry. Just to show that the JNF was beavering away with its habitual clearing of Palestinians from Area C…
The JNF, Apartheid and Settler Colonialism. (Spring 2024)
(First published in Al Majdal, Issue 61 – 2024) In campaigns and conversations in the UK, one fact becomes obvious: not everyone grasps the centrality of para-statal agents of Zionism…
To take the Palestinian side is to risk your career in cultured Europe. (Spring 2024)
“The prominent Austrian literary organizations Literaturfest Salzburg and Literaturhaus NÖ have cancelled Lana Bastašić’s upcoming residency and reading…” Earlier in the month, the Bosnian-Serb writer had cut her links with…
A Genocide Foretold. (Spring 2024)
If Israel’s justification for its murderous assault on Gaza is to be believed, its aim is to eliminate Hamas. However, the number of civilians deaths, through bombings and starvation, and…