February 2022: As one of the principal fundraising arms of the Zionist movement, the Jewish National Fund has led a chameleon-like existence, adapting to political developments to sustain its credibility as a benign force above...
Category - UK
It has long been apparent that the JNF is a pillar of Israeli Apartheid. These 2 short factsheets illustrate the development of the JNF’s role over time (Timeline) and, in the second factsheet, we note some observations and...
January 2022: The Charity Commission has announced that it will examine whether “regulatory action is required” in respect of the Jewish National Fund UK following Islamophobic statements by its longstanding head, Samuel...
This newsletter marks the beginning of a new strand of the long-established campaign to Stop the JNF. With our Palestinian partners, we are calling on people in the UK to join us in exposing and rejecting the JNF. The focal...
British Park A JNF UK crime scene – ‘Not in our Name’ (5)
As COP 26 approaches, check this link COP 26 flyer for a short summary of information about assembly points, national hubs for finding rallies near you, leaflets, the important People’s Summit events and other key pieces...
OCTOBER 16, 2021 DICK PITT The UK recognises the Israeli administered vaccinations. It does not recognise the vaccinations carried out by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, so key Palestinian environmentalists are...
We welcome the overwhelming vote by delegates at the UK Labour Party Annual Conference supporting the call for sanctions against Israel (a key demand of the Palestinian-led BDS campaign), citing reports identifying Israel as a...
In November 2020, Scottish PSC submitted a complaint to the Office of Scottish Charities Regulator (OSCR) against the charity KKL (Scotland), on the grounds that “KKL (Scotland) raises funds in Scotland for activities of the...
This newsletter has information about a range of topics. There’s more on the important COP 26 Climate Conference and a request to SIGN the declaration to make sure KKL-JNF is not present, masquerading as a green...