Stop the JNF Newsletter January 2021

This Newsletter features two ongoing complaints against the JNF: one directed to OSCR (the Office of the Scottish Charity Register, the equivalent of the Charity Commission) and the other directed to the Fundraising Regulator. The former complaint challenges KKL Scotland’s development of a reservoir, for the benefit of Jewish citizens, not Palestinians, as well as the fact that this reservoir stands on the land of al Tira, ethnically cleansed in 1948. The  complaint to the Fundraising Regulator argues that JNF UK gives potential donors misleading and selective information on its website about its work, effectively covering up some of its actions which are not for the public benefit and which contribute to harming Palestinian people.

Also, we highlight the progress of the Plant a Tree initiative and give Dates for your Diary, detailing some of the events planned for 2021. More will be added in due course.

To read more, click this link:    Stop the JNF newsletter January 2021 (5)