Category: The JNF
Visit to Palestine Exposes Environmental Injustices and Human Rights Abuses Under the Israeli Occupation
RAMALLAH, WEST BANK (PALESTINE), October 14, 2013 – A four day high-level Friends of the Earth International visit to Friends of the Earth Palestine (also known as PENGON) concluded on October 13th, when Friends of the Earth International chair Jagoda Munic presented a report during a press conference in Ramallah. Friends of the Earth International…
Baladna infographic on the racist Prawer Plan
To mark the 37th anniversary of Land Day, the Baladna Association for Arab Youth has released an infographic poster about the racist Prawer Plan which aims at the confiscation of the lands and the displacement of the Arab Bedouins in unrecognized (by the government) Naqab villages . Poster created and designed by Nayif Shaqur
Explanatory Diagram:‘Redeeming the National (Jewish) Fund
Written by Usama Halabi Published in Jewish National Fund (Winter-Spring 2010) In this explanatory diagram, attorney Usama Halabi attempts to chart Israel’s regime over land by situating the key institutions (Israel Lands Authority, Jewish National Fund, Israeli Development Authority) as well as the most important of Israel’s laws over land in relation to one another.…
Situating the JNF in Israel’s Land Laws
Written by Alaa Mahajneh Published in Jewish National Fund (Winter-Spring 2010) Historical Overview One of the most prominent results of the Nakba, which befell the Palestinian people in 1948, is the drastic change that occurred in respect to the control of land in Palestine. The military occupation of territory on one hand, and the expulsion…