Write to your MP to prevent the expulsion of the Sumarin family: ask them to contact the FCO and sign EDM 529

URGENT: the Jewish National Fund (JNF) is trying to evict a Palestinian family from their East Jerusalem home. We have made it simple for you to write to your MP to exert pressure on Israel to support the Sumarin family.

EDM 529: Eviction of Palestinian family from East Jerusalem
That this House strongly condemns the ongoing attempts of the Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) to evict the Sumarin family from their home in East Jerusalem; recognises this within a broader context of the Israeli government’s efforts to demographically alter the population of Jerusalem, and the controversial use of Israel’s Absentee Property Law to dispossess Palestinians of their land; notes the Sumarin family have lived at their property, with deeds of ownership, for over fifty years; reiterates that ethnic cleansing is one of the most serious crimes, and that the UK is committed to upholding international law; urgently requests the Government to intervene on behalf of the Sumarin family, and calls on the Charity Commission to review the charitable status of JNF UK.

69 MPs have signed as of 9am on Thursday July 23rd
Is your MP one of them?  Find out here