Stop the JNF Campaign Statement on COP27 and Climate Justice

This year, we’ve seen the climate crisis wreak havoc across the world. From record-level extreme heat, forest fires, to flooding and droughts – we’ve seen that the climate catastrophe is here and ongoing. 2022 has demonstrated once again that those who contributed the least to the crisis suffer the most.

As the IPCC has recognised, colonialism – which devastates ecosystems, and exploits and destroys land and resources – was, and continues to be, a key driver of the crisis.

There is a gap between recognising the problems and taking decisive action.

Israel’s regime of settler-colonialism, military occupation, and apartheid, has destroyed Palestine’s environment, pillaged its natural resources, and left Palestinians without the control over, or access to, their land and resources necessary to mitigate and adapt to the effects of the climate crisis. The Jewish National Fund has always been a key instrument in the settler colonisation of Palestinian land, expropriation of Palestinian resources, and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian people, yet the JNF has observer status with the UNFCCC and regularly accompanies the Israeli government at COP meetings.

Indigenous and global majority movements, in Palestine and beyond, are leading the struggle for justice. In advance of COP27 in Egypt, the Stop the JNF Campaign joins movements across the world in demanding climate justice – for rich countries to pay their climate debts and reparations, and for an urgent and just transition to renewable energy.

Specifically, the Stop the JNF campaign amplifies calls for:

  • A people-led overhaul of the negotiations, rejecting its narrow corporate agenda.
  • For organisations and corporations that profit from ecological destruction to be held accountable – including Siemens and Chevron, who are both engaged in fossil gas projects with Israel.
  • The removal of the racist Jewish National Fund from observer status to the UNFCCC.